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Large varieties of cannabis

Large varieties of cannabis

Why is every self-respecting rover supposed to at least once try to grow the most big varieties of cannabis ? The higher varieties of cannabis are so impressive in their size that they are more like trees than bushes. The highest varieties of marijuana have an increase in the range of 1.5 to 6 meters, respectively, the higher varieties of cannabis bring a grand harvest! It is logical to assume that the plant with the dominant Sativa falls into the category of "the highest varieties of marijuana", however, in our catalog you can find also a giant Indica and autoflowering species. Great problems during cultivation, after harvester will be great impressions of the amount of harvested crop, as well as its quality. If we say about the giant cannabis varieties in other words, then the sheepskin is definitely worth making!

Large cannabis seeds. Important moments of cultivation

  1. Buying large cannabis seeds, or rather large varieties, it is necessary to understand that tall plants are capricious and sensitive, and they should be scrupulously looked after.
  3. Unlike their more compact counterparts, high varieties of cannabis produce more tender and soft cones in their structure. This should not be a cause for concern, because with the right growing process, the harvester's quality will be excellent!
  5. If the Grover decided to buy the largest varieties of cannabis, he should understand that such huge plants need a generous amount of water and fertilizers. If the goal is to get a big harvest, then skimp on it not worth it.
  7. Large varieties of cannabis have more delicate and delicate branches , which simply can not withstand so many inflorescences. Without a system of additional supports, it is simply impossible to grow them.
  9. I would like to mention an obvious but very important aspect: high varieties of cannabis can "arrange a pale" for the whole plot, so it is worthwhile to think in advance of hiding its giants!
It is worth remembering that the yield of marijuana depends on the skills of the grover and the careful approach to the growing process. With all the nuances of cultivation, the harvest of high grades of marijuana can reach a record size, up to 2.5 kg from one bush!

Where to buy the largest varieties of cannabis?

Our specialized shop of marijuana seeds of elite varieties provides the opportunity to buy marijuana seeds  from Holland, Spain, Jamaica and Canada. At the best price in the market, we sell seeds in original packages and with a quality guarantee! Our client can be assured of the originality and quality of the received order. Cooperating with us, you can order cannabis seeds by mail, and marijuana seeds are paid by cash on delivery, while the customer receives the goods. We send by any convenient carrier all over Ukraine and abroad. Shop "Bob Marley" offers to buy cannabis seeds of the largest varieties of high quality at the best price. The quality of the goods, the fair price and the convenience of the customer are our core values.