News at Bob Marley's Seedshop

How to Train Marijuana by Topping

The question how to train cannabis by topping is commonly asked by many growers. In fact, it’s not a complicated procedure! Pruning is a simple and effective step that will regulate the growth of cannabis not only without harming it, but also with benefits, increasing yields.

Cannabis Diseases

Like any other plant, cannabis may easily become diseased. Usually, cannabis diseases are visually noticeable from the condition of the leaves (and the whole plant) as well as the odor. And the reasons for the poor health of cannabis can be many


A key factor to successfully growing healthy and productive cannabis is appropriate fertilizing. Like any living thing, cannabis needs nutrition. When it photosynthesizes, the chlorophyll in it releases energy that is used to assimilate (macro-/microelements) and build new cells.

Female or male: how to tell the gender of cannabis

Cannabis is a dicot plant, so plants can be either female or male. Sometimes hermaphroditic plants are the case, but this is a completely different topic. Of course, the functions of male and female plants are different, and before we look at how to identify the sex of cannabis, it is worth regarding their functionality:

Medical cannabis: what do we know?

Nowadays, new medical strains are being actively created in the world – this sphere is on the rise just like the breeding of recreational marijuana. Specific competitions are held for therapeutic cannabis to be evaluated by experts, get their prizes and recognition as well as be presented to the public. The location of one of the best medical marijuana contests is the United States: legal dispensaries provide material for that event.

Growing Cannabis: Instructions, Dos and Don'ts

How to handle cannabis while it’s growing? What are the mistakes to avoid when growing marijuana? Novice growers are often bewildered by how much information has to be taken into account. Indeed, a detailed manual on growing cannabis would make a huge book… and that book would be only a start of learning, because growing a plant is an art that can only be acquired with experience.

Lights for Cannabis Cultivation

Growing marijuana indoors, there’s no way to do without grow lights. Cannabis is a light-loving plant, and its growth and development, as well as the final quality of the product, greatly depend on proper illumination. Considering the subject, it is first important to recognize those lamps that are not appropriate for such use.

Weed Growing Soil: Types, Criteria, General Advice

The importance of soil for cannabis can hardly be overestimated. Sometimes people say: “it’s literally a weed that grows everywhere in the wild”. However, wild bushes will not yield a decent amount of potent buds – nor can you expect that from your cannabis plants unless they’re given appropriate soil.

How does cannabis affect the human body

How does cannabis affect the human body? What are the consequences of long marijuana use? Funnily, even people who have consumed it for years, don’t always know how to answer ths question. Besides, we live in a society that has kept this plant illegal in many countries for decades. Hence, one can hear a lot of misconceptions created for the purpose of propaganda. For a start, let’s dispel some of those myths.