Cannabis Diseases

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Cannabis Diseases

Cannabis Diseases

    Like any other plant, cannabis may easily become diseased. Usually, cannabis diseases are visually noticeable from the condition of the leaves (and the whole plant) as well as the odor. And the reasons for the poor health of cannabis can be many, and among them are the following:

  • pH level and related problems to it, temperature and other physical problems;
  • Avitaminosis, deficiency of micronutrients or macronutrients;
  • The impact of pests, caterpillars;
  • Bacteria or viruses.
    When dealing with cannabis diseases, it’s often easy to google for the symptoms. Most problems that you may have somebody else on the Internet has already experienced! For instance, having problems with the same pH values, the plant becomes covered with red spots, its leaves curl. The leaves become deformed with temperature problems, their surface curves outwards, and in cold weather some parts of the plant turn red. Light scald produces white spots and necrotic areas, and if there is a lack of moisture, the plant withers.

Pest-related diseases of marijuana plants

    In certain cases, cannabis diseases appear to be related to pests, and this is especially true for those plants that grow outdoors. Whiteflies, thrips, spider mites, aphids and fungus moths, some caterpillars can feed on cannabis and can significantly damage it, or even kill it. Sometimes insects can be seen with your own eyes. In other cases only traces of their activity on the plant can be noticed: spots or eater fragments. In case of infatuation, it is advisable to use insecticidal products, which can be purchased in gardening stores. In lighter cases nym oil can be used – it’s completely non-toxic. You can buy cannabis seeds from the Netherlands in our store. If you fight back against pests in time, you can minimize the risk of crop loss and give your plants a chance to recover. 

Viral and bacterial diseases of marijuana 

    If we look at dangerous diseases of marijuana of the viral type, the first thing to note is the tobacco mosaic virus, which deforms the young foliage and leaves corresponding stripes. It also affects cannabis with powdery mildew, which first manifests itself in small spots, and then completely deprives the plant of vitality and kills it. Stem rot is also common, in which case black lesions can be seen at about soil level. The stems begin to rot, covered with sores in which mycelium in the form of threads can be seen. The stems soften, and the plant falls over and dies.

    There is also root rot – like the previous disease, it is of fungal origin. The roots rot, the plant emits an unpleasant odor, and subsequently also dies. Hemp can get sick, but with careful attention you can both prevent the disease and cure it, saving your harvest.

    To prevent rotting, humidity should be controlled, and proper water drainage provided. When rot has appeared, the sick parts have to be erased – unfortunately, there’s no way to make something unrot. Having removed the rotten pieces, spray your plants with fungicide. Make sure you don’t touch healthy parts with the same gloves that you used when removing the rot!

