How to dry marijuana

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How to dry marijuana

    How to dry marijuana after it is harvested is a serious question. Bad drying destroys both the flavor and potency.  After such a long and painstaking labor any grower deserves properly dried buds! The good thing is, it’s no problem to dry cannabis properly.

How weed is dried

    Drying is the process of water and other unnecessary substances evaporating from the buds. Those substances are 60-70% of the total weight, which means the crop will reduce in mass almost 3x after drying. But it’s worth it! During a proper drying process, some non-psychoactive cannabinoids are converted into psychoactive THC, which is the reason why drying and curing are important to get a good bud. 

    When drying is fast and caused by a high temperature (for instance, microwaving) resins evaporate along with moisture, which is one of the reasons of poor quality that quickly dried buds show: unpleasant taste, a harsh feeling in the throat, weaker impact.

    Drying cannabis varies as follows:
  • Slow drying – the optimal way;
  • Fast methods – a worse option;
  • Ultra-fast drying – the worst choice.
    Note: before starting to dry the marijuana, cut all the leaves off (including sugar leaves) – it’s called trimming. Be careful not to touch the inflorescences too much, otherwise trichomes will be broken and get stuck to your fingers.

Drying cannabis the right way: slowly

    Slow drying is how marijuana should be treated, ideally. In this case the harvest is placed into a dark dry place with a temperature between 20-25°С. Importantly, if the drying buds are lying on a surface (like they will in a drawer or a box), they should be flipped about once a day. 

    Instead, bushes are sometimes hung upside down without cutting the buds off. If you prefer to dry buds separately, net shelves can be used – thus the stuff will be well aerated without a need for flipping. Slow drying takes 5-8 days. Naturally dried buds are the best in terms of impact, taste and smoking pleasure.

Faster ways to dry marijuana

    If cannabis has to be ready sooner, the harvest can be placed into a warmer place – on a heating radiator, for one, or near an incandescent light bulb. Such a procedure takes 1-4 days. In fact, the longer your stuff dries, the more enjoyable it will be to consume. Be sure not to keep it in a plastic bag when drying – not only will the buds dry longer, but also a risk of molds arises.

Drying cannabis super-fast 

    Although this method is not advisable, sometimes the situation requires that the marijuana is ready right now. In this case people dry it in an oven or a microwave. Microwaves are indeed a dangerous device for this purpose, since their actual strength varies depending on the manufacturer. Start by experimenting with a small portion and short periods: no more than 90 seconds. If you burn the bud, its quality will drop dramatically.

    However, it should be noticed that even without burning such marijuana will be very harsh to the throat, very weak in its impact and bad-tasting. The latter is the result of starch, chlorophyllin and other substances not having enough time to evaporate from the bud. 

Frequently asked questions 

  • What should I avoid doing? Keep the buds away from light (both while drying and storing).
  • How can I tell when the bud is dry enough? It will crumble on your fingers when pressed.
  • Can I smoke right after drying? Possible, but the quality will be inferior unless you also cure the buds. Curing marijuana is easy: place the buds in a glass jar for 3-4 days, opening it once a day for half an hour and shaking the jar daily.                  At our store, you can  buy the best cannabis seeds provided by well-respected Canadian, Dutch, Jamaican and Spanish breeders.
  • 16.08.2016
