Legal status of marijuana in Czech Republic
Bob Marley
Czech authorities are known to be loyal to cannabis use, Possession of up to 15 g has no consequences here. However, unlike consumption, selling marijuana is a crime that might lead to spending 1-5 years in prison.
As for cannabis cultivation, Czech growers are also more or less free to do as they will: each citizen has the right to grow up to 5 plants for personal use. Growing a bigger number of bushes is regarded as commercial, and legal measures are taken against such growers (mainly they are fined).
Czech laws regarding cannabis seeds are likely to be clarified in the future, as there is currently a contradiction: some patients are prescribed medical cannabis, but there are no certified dispensaries for medical marijuana.
However, giving everyone the right to cultivate 5 bushes is more than a humane solution. Surely the Czech government will eventually regulate the medical cannabis problem.
importantly: marijuana can be bought at lower prices in the Czech Republic than, for example, in the Netherlands. A majority of local weed is skunk-smelling indica, of quite acceptable quality.
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